
As usual, it is always a motivation to know you look forward to visiting my blog for new article update. Sometimes, it is not always easy penning down my experiences as it relates to a relationship or getting someone else that will be real enough to share their experiences, but your understanding and patience are epic. Thank you.

Today I love to be real as usual with you as it relates to the title of discussion. It was a personal experience.

Two weeks back, after a stressful day at school, I came online to meet a message of a friend saying she is breaking up with me.  Initially, I thought the message was not for me, so I politely told her.
“ hi dear, don’t you think you just sent the wrong guy this message?”
Her replied got me more disturbed as she said
“Victor the message is for you, deal with it.”

I was dumbfounded knowing that I can’t remember when asking her out at first to have even arrived at the point of her breaking up.

I felt bad, not because she broke up with me, but probably I must have turned her on, or given her an impression that I was dating her.  I sincerely tender my apology if she took my kindness, care, and show of love as a relationship, but that’s my personality and I guess I have to deal with it.
That incident led to this article.

Dear Ladies
When a guy is Nice, kind, and caring towards you, when he spend a considerable amount of time with you, when he have sex with you, and if you have met his parents, those are not the ONLY indication to conclude that you guys are dating. For all you care, he is doing the same routine with some other might just be his personality.

One thing I learned very quickly during my early dating experience from being an adolescent to being an adult now is to never assume anything especially when it comes to dating or being the only girl in a guy’s life. I have seen it hurt, so I added that as a guide to my heart, this my friends knows as well, I dislike assuming. When you’re under the assumption that he is dating only you, you’ve already set yourself up for a major disappointment and probably “a break-up before a dating” just like the one that happened in my case.

Since you won’t assume you have a full tank of fuel on a trip to Abuja from Lagos, you have to be sure of the amount or quality of fuel in it to avoid being stranded on your way; do same in your relationship. When you assume that you are in a relationship with a guy, you risk being stranded; stranded with your emotion.

Some of the ladies I have seen or heard about (like the lady I am writing about) chooses to invest their time in someone who won’t even verbalize commitment, which makes no sense. No matter how good you feel, that doesn’t change the fact that he may be seeing someone other than you. The only way to know where you are in his life is to ask and confirm.

Special thanks to Muffie Bradshaw